May 15 2012
Spring Band Concert
Tonight was the Tidwell Middle School spring band concert. This is a big deal; the kids dress up and get to perform at the Byron Nelson High School auditorium (which, btw, is scary-huge to this small-high school girl). The Beginning Band (6th grade) played first, and then the Symphonic and Wind Ensemble (forgive me if I have the names slightly wrong, I tend to lapse into “Spam Band” thoughts, even when it’s not right). Because Caleb had a baseball game tonight, we did not stay for the 7th and 8th grade bands.
And now, for the bragging to commence.
The Beginning Band played 3 pieces that they took to contest at (of all places) NRH20, where they earned a Superior Division I rating. They were fantastic! (videos below, I promise)
Between two of the pieces, some awards were given out and students recognized. First, the band director had all of the soloists who received Superior Division I ratings on their solos stand to be recognized (Jacob didn’t participate in this contest, as it conflicted with a basketball tournament that was scheduled far in advance of the contest dates). Then, those students who earned a Superior Division I and received an Outstanding medal (not sure what the criteria was on this, but they were particularly great at their solos, apparently) stood to be recognized.
Next, “Scale Masters” were recognized and given certificates. These students memorized all 12 scales plus the chromatic scale.
Finally, one student in each class (Beginning Band is taught in “like-instrument” classes, so there’s a flute class, clarinet class, trumpet class, etc.) was recognized as Most Improved and one student in each class was recognized as Outstanding Student.
I’m sorry the pictures are so far away, but that’s where we were sitting.
And now, the promised videos. Of course, my camera memory card filled up during the third song, which the director said was the band’s favorite. Oh well, you’ll get the idea. Enjoy!
I apologize for the dead air at the beginning of that one; I learned from it and did better on the next two, I think. 🙂
The Assistant Director, and Jacob’s trombone teacher, directed this piece.
If you’re wondering if the little voice you hear sometimes in that video is Sam, you are right. He got bored between songs, so Daddy made a “tombone” out of his program for Sam. He enjoyed playing it.
2 Responses to “Spring Band Concert”
[…] […]
[…] And now for J’s awards (I talked about his band awards here): […]