Aug 02 2010
Fishing, Turtles, and Komodo Dragons
No, I haven’t discovered a new love for reptiles, much to my boys’ chagrin. I do, however, love fish that my boys are so excited about catching that they come RUNNING from behind my parents’ house saying, “Dad! Dad! Come Quick! Bubba caught a FISH!” I also love turtles with papier mache shells who crawl slowly across stage, and Komodo dragons who slither on stage on skateboards strapped to tummies.
Earlier this month, we took the boys on a trip to League City, Tx, where my Mom and Dad and sister, Lynne, and her family (hubby Chris, sons Christopher, Will, and James) live. Christopher and Jacob are the same age (6 months apart) and the twins, Will and James, are 6 months older than Caleb, so you can imagine what fun they have playing together. Grandma and Grandpa have a pool in the backyard, and Grandpa is an avid fisherman. It’s the ideal place for active boys.
The weekend after Sam was born, Grandpa took the boys (the big boys, of course) up to Cabela’s for their very own fishing rods, and ever since then, the boys have been itching to use them. In fact, as Jacob’s birthday drew near and we’d ask him what he wanted to do for his birthday, the response was always, “go to the beach house to go fishing.” So, away we went. The boys got to go fishing in the canal behind Grandma and Grandpa’s house (after an afternoon of swimming, of course) where they both caught (and released) a couple Brim. It was these first fish that brought the boys RUNNING into the house excitedly saying, “Dad! Dad! Come quick, bring the camera!” Daddy happily obliged.
Now, fishing in the canal behind Grandma and Grandpa’s house is fun, but it’s nothing compared to going down to the beach house and fishing in the big canal there (time and weather were not our friends for getting to take the boat out). So, Saturday morning, Daddy, Bubba, Bear, and Grandpa headed to the beach house for some GoKart riding and more fishing. Jacob wasn’t as successful in fishing at the beach house, but Caleb caught two good-sized catfish.
Another reason we timed the trip when we did was to see Christopher, Will, and James in the United Players production of Children of Eden. The musical covers roughly the first 9 1/2 chapters of the book of Genesis (it definitely takes some liberties, so if you are a better Biblical scholar than me, remember that if you ever see it). Act I covers Adam and Eve, expulsion from Eden, and Cain and Abel. Act II covers Noah and the flood. I’d never heard of it before this summer, but I REALLY enjoyed it. There’s a real theme of family, love, and choice running through the musical.
Now, I’m sure that I’m biased since my nephews were in the play, my sister played in the orchestra, and my mom and sister helped with the costumes, but I’m 100% positive that this was the Best. Production. of the play. Ever. Christopher was Turtle #2. He got to crawl, s-l-o-w-l-y, on stage during the naming of the animals scene (Act I), and the bunnies played leapfrog over him. He was, of course, the best second turtle ever! Will and James were the komodo dragons. They had sparkley, spiny costumes and got to slither on stage on skateboards that strapped to their tummies under their costumes. All three boys got to be on the stage twice, once in each Act. They were in the naming of the animals scene, and the scene of animals boarding Noah’s Ark two by two. (Btw, the play does answer the age-old question about why there are no unicorns.) Forgive me for not having any pictures of them in their fabulous costumes – hopefully Lynne will share some with me that I can add later.
It was a great trip. The boys got some valuable time with Grandma and Grandpa. I got some great visiting time in with my Mom and Dad, and Mom and I had a nice girls’ night out at the play. (Grandpa, Daddy, and the three boys opted to stay at the house and swim.) So, while I’m still not ready to adopt any true amphibians, Turtle #2 and Komodo dragons 1 and 2 can come visit any time. 🙂
One Response to “Fishing, Turtles, and Komodo Dragons”
Updated to include pictures. 🙂