Nov 09 2011
Of Pumpkins and Puppy Dogs
It’s November 9, so that means it’s time for a Halloween post, right? Oh, yeah…sorry…such is the life of a busy working mom.
However, we did have a fun and fabulous Halloween, complete with pumpkin searching:
And what’s the point of having pumpkins if you’re not going to carve them?

The boys did all their own pumpkin clean-out and carving. Dad just helped cut the tops open with the big knife.
And, the finished scary pumpkins!
The pumpkin artists (and their puppy dog):
And a quick recap of Halloween night:
The big boys were with their mom, so unfortunately I don’t have any pics of all three boys together in costume. She did text me individual pictures of Jacob and Caleb in their super-scary costumes, but I’m having technical difficulties finding posting them.
Sam went trick-or-treating at Lily’s house, our friends Brett and Makala’s house, our friends Dawn and Chris’s house, and our two neighbor’s houses (Reuben and Dina and Adam and Blair). He had a good time, I think. At times he seemed overwhelmed, but he never screamed or cried. And the big kids who came trick-or-treating at our house were all really nice and nobody tried to scare him.
We had a successful Halloween, I think. Next year will be even bigger and better, I’m sure!
Oh, and just for your viewing amusement…here’s the Halloween night aftermath (and I didn’t get him dancing around in circles on camera, bummer) – I promise he got NO candy that night! (Pay no attention to the piles of laundry in the background…and yes, I am the great and powerful Oz.)