Jun 14 2012

Awards Central

Published by at 12:03 pm under Caleb Lee,Daneman Boys,Jacob Earl,YAY things

Yes, I know we’re two weeks into summer vacation, but I still wanted to highlight the awards the big boys received at their end of year awards ceremonies at school.

Caleb’s was first, so he gets first billing in this post:

That’s the listing of the possible awards and what they’re for. Caleb earned the Golden Lasso – All A Honor Roll (for the YEAR); Boots Walk the Line – All Es in Citizenship; and the Shining Star – Perfect Attendance.

Here he is getting his awards.

Standing onstage next to best buddy Blake:

Mrs. LaFara’s second grade class:

And now for J’s awards (I talked about his band awards here):

Jacob’s middle school awards were held at Byron Nelson High School (where his band concert was). Sam and “Bear’s Mommy” and I went (Daddy was home sick, Bear and Ike were at baseball practice). Jacob had Perfect Attendance, and All A Honor Roll for the year (only 14 kids received that!).

Here he is with the other All A Honor Roll kids:

Pretty darn proud of these two boys on their fantastic achievements – academic and athletic – this year. I’m not sure how I got so lucky to be surrounded by these smart, handsome, caring  young men, but I’m thankful for it every day!

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