Dec 14 2012
Family Hanukkah Present 2012
The boys – all 4 of them (yes, even the adult and the 2.5 year old) have been drooling over the new Dell all-in-one touch screen computers. There have been many trips to Best Buy to play with them research them, sigh over them, and dream about having one at home. There were many discussions at home between the adult-type people about whether we really needed another computer at home-no matter how cool it is-and if it was even a good time to buy one like this now, or wait a year to see what the market did with the prices. I finally left the decision about that in Daddy’s very smart and capable hands.
Guess what arrived on our doorstep Monday afternoon? Yep! A new Dell all-in-one, 23″ touch screen machine. It will go downstairs (eventually, when we get the right desk/table for it) as the family computer in a public place. Daddy got it all set up, and even installed a few apps (Fresh Paint is the most popular one right now), so it was all ready to go to surprise the boys when they were with us on Wednesday.

What? We HAD to test out a few features and apps before the boys got to it…quality testing, of course.
It was a HUGE hit. 🙂 I foresee hours of fun on the new machine.
One Response to “Family Hanukkah Present 2012”
[…] that’s done before company arrives). We also have plans for a small desk in that room for the new family computer. So, there’s still work to be done, but I’m happy with how it is for now, and my […]