Finally! I’m able to get a post up about a current holiday! It helps that said holiday lasts for 8 nights. 
Mike and Susan graciously hosted the Daneman family Hanukkah party this year. I think there were nearly 30 people there! It was LOUD, fun, and of course the food was great! I’ll let you enjoy the pictures now – credit for nearly all of them goes to Tracy. She got lots of great pictures with her fancypants camera!

Dinner Prep!

Making the cupcake Menorah!

Lighting all the menorahs.

Aren’t they pretty?

Ready to eat!

3 of the 4 Daneman brothers. Neal, we missed you!

Present time!

Even the grown-ups enjoyed some of the toys.

It’s really not a holiday until I have a package bow on my head.

Cousin Time!

More cousin time!

All of the non-adult cousins (sort of) patiently posing.

Lovely family (and roomie!) pics

Pre- and post-dessert picture (yes, he got to eat part of the cupcake menorah).

What can I say? It’s my lot in life to be surrounded by handsome gentlemen.

Uh…did I say gentlemen?

You didn’t expect to get through all these pictures without a photobomb or two, did you?
I love how you organized the photos of all the fun!
Thanks, Tracy! The pictures are just so great – thanks for taking so many!