Feb 01 2013
So Many Things
Clearly I’m back to my once-a-week-at-best postings. I know my 4 readers are just heartbroken to not be hearing from me more. My excuse this week, at least, was having a sick kid from Monday morning through the wee hours of Wednesday morning. As for the days/weeks prior to that? Yeah…I got nothin’ (that’s my nice way of saying I’ve been lazy about writing.) I do have some great ideas percolating, though. I’ll list them here and you can tell me what you’d like to hear about first!
Work and/or house related posts
- Mommy’s new desk/office area in the playroom
- Game room renovation ideas
- Is it time for something new (re: work-work)? What?
Running related (yes, I’m getting back into it more regularly, finally!) posts
- To half (again) or not to half?
- Am I tough enough for a trail run (race) with the hubs?
- When Do PRs start over (if ever)? Do they really even matter?
- Running reasons – are there right/wrong ones? Which ones are mine?
My Kids Are So Great posts
- Report cards
- SATs
- Sports
- Making PJs and breaking sewing machines
- Christmas recap (oops)
- Funny things my toddler says
So, what do you think? What would you like to read about first? Now, I need to work like crazy until it’s time to go home, go for a run, and then take Sam to Tot Shabbat. Happy Friday!
2 Responses to “So Many Things”
All of the above, of course!
Running stuff and Christmas recap. 🙂 The answers to your running questions, in order, are: yes — the Colorado (half) Marathon, yes, they’re just for yourself, and they’re all right unless self-destructive. Those are definitive, BTW. (Ha!)