Mar 17 2013
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Spring break was this week and while I didn’t have the week off, we still managed some spring break fun. Grandma came up to visit for the first weekend of the break, and we had a grand time. Saturday night we went to Mike and Susan’s house in Dallas to celebrate Grandpa Daneman’s 88th birthday. It was so wonderful for everyone to get together and celebrate this remarkable man!

clockwise from top left: Sam chocolate-face, Grandpa D and all the great-grands, Grandpa D and all the grands and great-grands, and Sam sad-chocolate-face.
On Sunday, Mom and I did some shopping (sorry, no pictures) and played lots and lots of Cars with Sam. On Monday, Grandma treated us to a trip to the Fort Worth Zoo. It was Sam’s first trip to the zoo, and it was a grand success! He had a blast. We brought the stroller, and he rode in it from the car, through the gates and to the monkey house. Then it was all over. He wanted to walk everywhere. And he did. He walked all over the zoo. And he has asked at least a dozen times when we can go back. I see a zoo pass in our future, I believe. Grandma treated us to lunch and a train ride, and a new orange tiger umbrella too! Thanks, Grandma!
It was a great spring break. Can’t wait for the first weekend in April when Grandpa comes to visit to take us fishing!