Aug 17 2014
I think it’s universally acknowledged that having children teaches you volumes more than you expect – about yourself, the world, perspective. I’m also learning that it teaches you about your own parents. Take, for example, this morning’s conversation with Sam:
Sam (gesturing to Daniel): Danny says, “When I’m 4 can I have a World War II Plane?”*
Me: I’m sure if he asks, Grandpa will buy him a WWII plane. **
Sam: Yeah, because Grandpa’s a PLANE man.
See? Learn something new every day.
*At Camp Grandma and Grandpa last week, Sam got to see several World War II planes at the plane museum in Galveston and came home with a B-17 Bomber, a Blue Angels plane, and a Thunderbird. The B-17 is the current favorite.
**There is no question about this. It’s very, very rare that Grandpa doesn’t buy something that’s asked for. And, one could argue that a WWII plane is educational because its purchase involves a history lesson.