Dec 13 2012
Hanukkah 2012
Finally! I’m able to get a post up about a current holiday! It helps that said holiday lasts for 8 nights.
Dec 13 2012
Finally! I’m able to get a post up about a current holiday! It helps that said holiday lasts for 8 nights.
Nov 12 2012
That will be mostly adorable pictures, I promise. That way, you will have to forgive its tardiness. Lest you think I’ve forgotten big brothers…(and, for the record, they are now of an age where it’s MUCH more fun – and way less lame, I’m sure – to go trick-or-treating with friends than with Dad and […]
Sep 07 2012
Thursday morning when Daddy left to take Bubba and Bear to school, Sam got VERY upset. He was sobbing like his heart was broken in two that he didn’t get to go with Daddy and his brothers. (Daddy said they could hear him from the car.) A sad Sam eventually climbed into my lap and we looked at […]
Sep 04 2012
Last weekend (the weekend BEFORE Labor Day), we were invited to a birthday bash for my brother-in-law Steve’s 50th birthday. It was at a fancy Brazilian steakhouse in Addison. Tracy and Steven (not the same person as the birthday boy Steve, just in case you were confused) and Eli and Eliana came up for the […]
Sep 03 2012
Finally! The last installment of our family trip recap. (I know you’ve been on pins and needles). On Friday, July 20, we loaded up to the gills again and headed toward Buena Vista, Colorado. Bryan’s original plan was to go from Almont to Taylor River Canyon to Taylor Park, then up the dirt road side […]
Sep 03 2012
Everyone started school this week. Yes, everyone.* Aren’t they handsome? Big thanks to Jacob and Caleb’s mom for sending me their first-day-of-school picture, since they weren’t with us that morning. Everyone had a great first day from all I’ve heard–well, a mostly great first day. Apparently Sam didn’t much want to listen or participate in […]
Aug 18 2012
We arrived in Crested Butte in an absolute downpour, with about an hour to kill before we could check into the condo. We let the rain slack off a bit, and then parked at one end of the adorable main street and walked to a pizza place we’d read good things about. Aside from the […]
Aug 17 2012
I know, I know, I’m a terrible mommyblogger for not yet having recapped our family vacay. FINALLY, I have a few minutes to put the kind of thoughts picture collages together to give you a sense of the trip. Since the post would be forever-long if I put it all into one, I’m going to divide up […]
Jul 05 2012
Have a floor picnic with breakfast, complete with a guard dog and bouncing sillies. Spend some time playing cars. Make sure to leave time for some painting. Make silly faces. Read books. Play toys. Watch the world go by.
Jun 14 2012
Yes, I know we’re two weeks into summer vacation, but I still wanted to highlight the awards the big boys received at their end of year awards ceremonies at school. Caleb’s was first, so he gets first billing in this post: That’s the listing of the possible awards and what they’re for. Caleb earned the […]