Archive for the 'Jacob Earl' Category

Feb 18 2011

Snowmageddon 2011

February is apparently North Texas’s time for snow and ice. Last year, we got over a foot of snow just before Valentine’s Day. This year, we had 4 days off work and school because of snow and ice, February 1 through February 4. We had a fun time in it, but after 4 days being […]

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Jan 27 2011

The Tween Zone

Published by under Jacob Earl

Do not adjust your tv sets (or computers). . . you have now entered. . . the TWEEN ZONE (do-do-do-do do-do-do-do). He’s at times moody, pouty, and downright surly. But 5 minutes later, he’s the happy, sweet kid we love to pieces (we love him to pieces even when he’s not happy, but it’s a […]

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Jan 09 2011

Lighter Notes

Well, y’all, thanks so much for the support from last night’s post. Really and truly, it helped more than you know.  And, since the last two posts have been rather downers (okay, truly downers), to prove I’m not always a negative Nellie, this post will be more fun.

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Sep 09 2010


Published by under Daneman Boys,Jacob Earl

I admit, sometimes we are Bad Parents and leave the TV on during dinner. Usually it’s for something REALLY important, like  a Rangers game or a Cowboys game, or any other sporting event my boys deem it ESSENTIAL to watch. Now, my chair at the table actually faces away from the tv, so this story […]

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Aug 05 2010

Double Digits

Published by under Jacob Earl

Okay, so this post is a tad late, but as of  July 20, we officially have a “double-digiter” in the house! Jacob turned 10. Now, being a summer baby myself, I understand the joy and pain of summer birthdays. Mid-summer birthdays can be a bummer because your friends are often out of town on their own […]

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Aug 02 2010

Fishing, Turtles, and Komodo Dragons

No, I haven’t discovered a new love for reptiles, much to my boys’ chagrin. I do, however, love fish that my boys are so excited about catching that they come RUNNING from behind my parents’ house saying, “Dad! Dad! Come Quick! Bubba caught a FISH!” I also love turtles with papier mache shells who crawl […]

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Jun 24 2010

Quick “Big-‘uns” Update

Published by under Caleb Lee,Daneman Boys,Jacob Earl

Since most of my more recent posts have been about our newest addition, I need to update y’all on my wonderful big boys, too! Right now the biggest one is shooting paper airplanes in the backyard, and the middle one is painting a birdhouse and playing with the dog (also in the backyard).

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