Well, it’s late, so this post will be far too short to get it all in, but we successfully took our first LOOONG road trip with Sam. Bryan ran the Denver Rock’n’Roll half marathon on October 17, so we made a trip out of it. We spent a week in Colorado, soaking up the cooler temperatures, the beautiful fall foliage (did you know that there are seasons other than the “green” and “brown” that Texas gets?), and spending time with good friends that we don’t get to see nearly often enough. (We miss you SO much, Tori and Travis!)
Sam even got to meet a few new friends, too! He got to meet and play with Sophia (4 years old), Shelby (7 months old), and Austin (6 months old today – he’s 3 days older than Sam). For some fabulous pictures, I’ll refer you to my friend Laura Payette’s blog – she’s much more technologically savvy and generally cooler than me. 🙂 Sam started crawling some while we were in Colorado, too! A few faltering crawl-steps at a time, but he’s very proud of himself and is continuing to perfect the art!
Now, Bryan has been a Colorado lover pretty much his whole life. I, on the other hand, made my first trip to CO (ever) when I was a junior in college (I spent my spring break falling down a mountain – I mean, skiing – but that’s another story). This latest trip was only my third time to the state, and I’m already scheming how to get back there. I think if we could, we’d pick up and move tomorrow. Logistically, that’s not possible, but man, oh man…
Like I said, it’s late, so for right now, I’ll leave you with a link to my pics from the trip: http://picasaweb.google.com/jadaneman/Colorado102010?authkey=Gv1sRgCMb_wbTegMO75wE#
Really, it's all clean...
I have found a new woman to admire. A friend of mine shared
this article, and I am now in love. While I’m not sure I’ve ever truly tried to be a Supermom, I have had aspirations. Unrealistic aspirations, really; ones that leave me sometimes feeling beaten down or overwhelmed at all that Supermom would be able to get done. After reading (and sharing) that article and seeing some of my other friends’ comments and confessions, I realize that 1) I’m a totally normal Mom and 2) laundry really does get the best of all of us. So, to all those moms out there who really CAN do it all with the grace and aplomb of Martha Stewart, congratulations to you; I will continue to be in awe of you (even if I do secretly roll my eyes and call you bad names). For the rest of us who live in the real (working or stay-at-home) world with overflowing laundry baskets, store bought baked goods and teacher gifts, too-long to-do lists and too-short sleep-times, let’s be proud of all that we do. Our homes might not be the cleanest or most organized, but I bet you our kids don’t notice one bit, and I bet they still feel just as loved and happy as the kids with Martha Stewart-esque moms.
On our way back from Jacob’s baseball game tonight, the Big and Rich song “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” came on. Caleb and I were talking about how he and Bubba used to like the song when they were littler (I was informed that Caleb still likes the song). After the song was over, Caleb said, “Ride a Cowboy?” I thought, “Ok, self, how do you explain THAT one to an almost 7-year-old?!” Before full panic could set in for me, Caleb said, “What, like get a piggy-back ride from a Cowboy?” Yep. Yep, that is EXACTLY what that line means. And I felt no guilt whatsoever in telling him so.
Time is just flying by like crazy! Today Sam turned 5 months old. He can turn over from his back to his tummy, and has determined that he prefers sleeping on his tummy. Continue Reading »
Ready to hike.
On Labor Day (yes, yes, I know, I’m late posting this – so sue me), we took the boys to Eagle Mountain Park for some hiking. Bryan had been out there trail running in December and had been itching to get the boys out there since then. The trails are well-marked and nice and wide. They’re perfect for family hikes–easy enough for little ones (probably not for strollers, though) but with enough challenges to keep bigger kids interested.
Jacob did most of the leading for us as we walked, with Caleb close behind. Bryan and I alternated bringing up the rear, though usually I was last.
Jacob leads the way.
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Just a forewarning, I’m going to rant a little bit here. But first, some facts and back story. Fact: Sam’s daycare is very good and he’s happy there. Fact: I really am very pleased with the care he gets there and all of the teachers and staff I’ve met. (Okay, maybe those first two are opinions, but whatever – my blog, my call) Fact: Sam’s daycare is open until 6:30. Fact: I am hourly and have to get in 8 hours a day. Since I usually don’t get into the office before 9 am, I can’t leave before 5:15 or 5:30 pm. Fact: Traffic in Fort Worth on I-35 at any time other than about 3 am is awful, and my 14-mile commute is typically about 45 minutes, longer if there’s a wreck, a traffic violation, or someone picking his nose behind the wheel. This often means that Sam is one of the last babies in the nursery when I pick him up. Continue Reading »
I am beyond excited! I got to do a guest blog entry on the Texas Health Moms blog about transitioning Sam to sleeping in his own room. It posted today! In case you’re wondering, the THR Moms blog is really great – I’ve found some wonderful tips and just great all-around mom stories reading it. And it’s wonderfully inclusive, too – there have been stepmom stories, fertility issue stories, safety tips, community support stories, and great “out of the mouths of babes” stories, just to name a few. It’s an all-around great blog!
So, thanks Makala, for offering me this opportunity to share a little story of my own! I sure appreciate it and (shameless self-promotion warning) would be happy to do it again when you need some more entries!
Tuesday, before Caleb left to go to baseball practice, he was telling Sam goodbye (Caleb’s SOOOO sweet that way, always wanting to give Sam hugs and kisses bye-bye). After said hug and kiss, he was holding Sam’s arm and waving it around like an orchestra conductor. Sam thought this was hilarious. Caleb grinned up at me proudly and said, “Look, Julie! Sam’s a productor!”
I admit, sometimes we are Bad Parents and leave the TV on during dinner. Usually it’s for something REALLY important, like a Rangers game or a Cowboys game, or any other sporting event my boys deem it ESSENTIAL to watch. Now, my chair at the table actually faces away from the tv, so this story really comes more from Bryan. Continue Reading »
Our Caleb is truly a Personality Plus. He’s fearless, outgoing, and always coming up with the funniest way of saying things. Here are a couple recent favorites of mine. . . Continue Reading »