Apr 14 2010
Apr 06 2010
Rangers Opening Day
Every year our company takes us to Rangers Opening Day at the Ballpark in Arlington. For the price of a ticket, we can also bring family or friends as guests. We even get company time – it’s nice to be paid to watch baseball. 🙂 Continue Reading »
Apr 02 2010
Saying No to Snooze?
A recent tweet from Dr. Oz caught my eye: “one of the hardest rules to follow . . . @DrOz said no to snooze button. makes you feel worse.” This idea intrigued me. Is it true? Does the snooze button make you feel worse? Continue Reading »
Mar 31 2010
37 weeks, 3 days
Today was yet another appointment for Baby D and me (and no, we haven’t yet decided on a name, but we’re closer, so quit asking! 😉 ). All went well at the appointment – Baby’s heartbeat was strong and steady at 155. Doc still likes to joke that we’re in the “girl” heartbeat range and that he hopes we kept all our receipts.Mar 30 2010
Pee-wee Cup
Caleb is playing spring t-ball again this year (second season – next year we move up to coach-pitch!), and he decided that THIS season, he wanted to wear a cup, like the big boys do. So, he and Mom made a trip to Academy and picked up a pee-wee cup. Continue Reading »
Mar 21 2010
Snowball’s Chance
So, yesterday was the first day of spring. I live in Texas – for a reason. In Texas, the first day of spring is typically just a formality, as usually by March 20, it’s been in the 70s and pleasant for weeks. Well, this year has been one for the record books in many ways. Snow on Christmas Day (that Bryan still guilts me about missing), record snowfall in February, and, yep – you guessed it, SNOW on the first day of spring. Around us, not much stuck, though family in Dallas got 5-6 inches or more. Continue Reading »
Mar 17 2010
Best Boys
I. Have. The. Best. Boys. Ev-ar. No, really, I do. I know that you think I’m biased, and I’m sure I am, but I still have the best boys ever. They are funny, sweet, smart, caring, and just generally wonderful. How many 9 year olds do YOU know who won’t let their pregnant step-mom carry a lawnchair at a baseball or soccer game, or get concerned that I might get too worked up watching my favorite Horned Frogs in the Fiesta Bowl? How many 6 year olds do YOU know who will draw you pictures ESPECIALLY for your desk at work because he knows it will help brighten an otherwise dreary work day?
My boys amaze me every day. Continue Reading »
Mar 15 2010
85 Years
Saturday night we had a milestone birthday party. Grandpa Daneman turned 85 on Tuesday, March 9th, so, of course, we had a party. In case you’re curious about the details, Bryan’s Uncle Scott and Aunt Vicky hosted the party. We had a few appetizers, steak, chicken, mashed potatoes, a couple types of salad, green beans, and, of course yummy-rific (yes, that’s a word) chocolate birthday cake made by Grandma and Grandpa’s good friend Chick Sham, and a choice of ice creams. Pretty much the whole family was there along with several friends. My sister and brother-in-law, Tracy and Steven, and my niece and nephew, Eliana and Elijah, came up from Austin, even! It was a full house and a wonderful time. Continue Reading »
Mar 12 2010
Little Monkeys
The other night, Bryan was doing some laundry (yes, he really is a dream husband most of the time!) and he noticed something he hadn’t seen before. A purchase I’d made at the Fort Worth Just Between Friends Sale was hanging in the laundry room to dry. (Yes, nesting is in full swing and baby clothes are being washed. Don’t you just love the smell of Dreft? But, I digress…) The conversation went something like this: Continue Reading »
Mar 10 2010
34 Weeks and Counting
Today was my 34 week appointment and all is well! Baby bump is measuring just perfectly on track at 34 cm (basically you want about a cm per week). My blood pressure was good, and Baby D’s heartbeat was strong and steady at about 160 bpm this morning. He’d been wiggling around in there before the doc. came in, so his heart rate was a little elevated compared to where it normally is. Doc still teases that he’s a she, but I really think he just likes to see our reaction to that prediction. 🙂 Continue Reading »