No, I didn’t go up in space (though I’ve been accused of being quite spacey lately). I’ve been swimming in my ever-so-cute maternity suit twice. It felt so good to get moving again, and to be moving without feeling so awkward or huge.
Now, I know that I’m not as big as I’m going to get – I have about 10 weeks left to go – but I’m definitely feeling more awkward than usual. And I’m definitely feeling the effects of carrying Baby D and the added weight (increased, no doubt, by the ever-present NEED for cheeseburgers and milkshakes (or ice cream). But swimming laps, I almost felt like I did before I was pregnant. I almost forgot I was much rounder than I normally am!
So, since I definitely need to keep moving (don’t get me wrong, I’ve taken a hiatus from most exercise for the last 7 months), and running is out of the question right now – much too awkward and painful at this point – swimming it is. And it feels SO good!
Monday is the 100th day of school for the boys. In kindergarten, they make a very big deal about this, and the kids are quite excited. (I was informed by my very grown-up fourth-grader that the 100th day of school is ONLY a big dealy in kindergarten.) The kids got an assignment to create something wearable (t-shirt, hat, apron, etc.) that had 100 things on it – whatever things they wanted. On Monday, the kiddos get to wear their “100 things” and do a parade around school. Caleb decided he wanted to do a t-shirt with 100 googley-eyes on it! Yesterday we went to Hobby Lobby and bought three different sized googley-eyes packages and 1 grey t-shirt and glued 100 googley eyes onto the shirt. Caleb counted out the 100 eyes, placed them how he wanted them, and (after counting again to make sure he had the right number of eyes) I helped him use fabric glue to secure them all in. You can see the result for yourself! Turned out pretty darn good, in my humble opinion! Oh, and he makes noise when he walks, which he thinks is hilarious!
Caleb shows off his hard work!
…According to my 9-year-old, “Women like to go to their rooms and watch TV if they have one in there.”
Now, to put it in context, he was telling me how his stepdad often stays up later than his Mom. I told him that was very normal–that lots of times married people don’t go to bed at the same time. I reminded him that there are lots of nights that I go to bed before Daddy does, especially lately. That’s when he said what’s quoted above. Gotta love the workings of a 9-year-old’s mind!
If you know me, you know I used to think of myself as a runner before I got pregnant. I’m not talking great, miraculous distances here, but I enjoyed getting out several times a week to do at least 3 miles, and I’ve done as much as 6 at a stretch (unlike my fabulous hubby, who will be doing his first half marathon at the end of this month). Well, I got pregnant in the heat of the summer and pretty quickly didn’t feel like running for a while. When I did start to feel better, I was just uncomfortable because, well, things are bigger now! Continue Reading »
It’s been over a year (actually, closer to two, OOPS!) since I last posted anything, so there’s far too much to go over, and it would likely bore you all to tears. So, just the highlights – well, really, the biggest highlight – we’re expecting a BABY in mid-April. Another Daneman boy! No names picked out yet, nor do I think we’re even close, but that’s okay. Maybe we just need to meet him to know who he is! Clearly, we’re all quite excited, and big brothers can’t wait to start teaching him things like throwing a baseball and football, kicking a soccer ball, and going potty in the toilet (yes, that was an actual suggestion from our 6-year-old).
Also, as you can plainly see, the site got overhauled by the hubby with a nifty new theme and title (thanks, babe!). Since I live in a house with three – soon to be FOUR – boys, I think we can guess what most posts will be about (though I’m always open to subject suggestions)…life with boys… There’s rarely a dull moment! Enjoy the new look and I’ll see if I can’t figure out how to get some pics up soon.
Add in a cancelled meeting! Woo-hoo! Now…if only we’d find out our raises…I guess I won’t hold my breath for that, though. That would just be TOO much for one day. 🙂
Ummm…well, if you noticed that "my" first post here was WAAAAAAAAAAY back in early January, and nothing since and wondered why, I can explain it very simply. My wonderful, loving husband set up this blog for me, entered my initial post, and then left it to me…and I promptly forgot about it.
I really am not sure at all what to post about today, so I'll just start with the weather. It's beautiful today – albeit VERY windy – warm and sunny. Days like this really help put/keep me in a good mood. And it doesn't hurt that I'm wearing a really cute new dress that lots of people have complimented me on. Thanks, Mom, for convincing me to get this one!
oops – look at the time. I've got to go to a meeting now.
Hello, and welcome to my website! This is my personal site, and, as such, I'll be writing about all sorts of things that I find interesting.