Feb 11 2010
Yes, you read that right – it’s SNOWING in North Texas! Actually, it’s been snowing for the last 13 hours – we have probably 7 inches on the ground and it’s still coming down like crazy!
Needless to say, I worked from home today. I mean, when Mr. I-love-snow-and-cold, aka my husband, called me after dropping off the boys at school this morning (nope, no snow day for them) saying he was going to work from home and stay off the roads as much as possible, I decided I certainly didn’t need to drive 30 miles round trip to go into the office!
Bryan and I (and Sadie, of course) had a quiet morning at home watching the snow blissfully falling. We got some great pictures of the accumulation to that point. (As you can see, Sadie was NOT impressed with the snow)
Around 11, we got a call from Jacob that the school was closing at 1:50 (an hour early), but that the teachers said parents could come pick up kids any time. At the same time we got the call from Jacob (teachers were apperently letting kids call parents from the school phones), we got the automated email from the school district about the early closure. And the on-site after-school care was going to be closed, too. After a very short deliberation, Bryan decided to go ahead and go pick up the boys early. When they got home (I have to brag here) both boys immediately did their homework before going to play (their idea, honestly!), JUST IN CASE they had school tomorrow (they don’t, btw). Bryan stayed outside for some time, trying to shake snow off some of the trees. Sadly, we were too late for the crepe myrtle…you can see from the pics that two branches are broken – one is a big one, so we’re hoping we don’t lose the whole bush.
Homework complete, the boys bundled up to go play outside. They asked if they could play in the front yard, to let the snow in the backyard build up more (I think they envisioned a massive snow war with Dad when he got back from his run). I said okay (not like we have much street traffic right now anyway), and out they went. I got bundled up for a few minutes, too, and Sadie and Baby D and I went out to play in the snow. We had a BLAST. Apparently, Sadie decided that playing in the snow with the boys was great fun, but just being in it, not so much.
When Bryan got back from his run (10 miles on the treadmill – he’s not crazy enough to try to run outside in this without proper gear) he started making a snowman for the boys before coming inside for a snack. Jacob and Caleb went back outside and, ahem, added to the snowman by making him anatomically correct…
Meanwhile, B got dressed in his snow gear (pulled down from the attic). Personally, I think he looked like a militant, but he stayed warm and dry in the ensuing major snowball fight.
Oh, and he helped the boys out with their anatomically correct snowman…
I was laughing so hard at all their antics that I nearly wet myself! It’s still snowing like mad here, and expected to snow through the night. For anyone in the northeast and places like CO and the northern plains, I know this is nothing to you, but here in Texas, this is a major weather event!
2 Responses to “Snow!”
[…] record books in many ways. Snow on Christmas Day (that Bryan still guilts me about missing), record snowfall in February, and, yep – you guessed it, SNOW on the first day of spring. Around us, not much stuck, […]
[…] is apparently North Texas’s time for snow and ice. Last year, we got over a foot of snow just before Valentine’s Day. This year, we had 4 days off work and school because of snow and […]