Nov 23 2011
Grandma and Grandpa’s Fall Visit
Since they’re headed up here for Turkey day (two visits in one month! I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! 🙂 ) and I’ve mentioned it in two different posts (here and here), I thought I better do a write up about Mom and Dad’s (Grandma and Grandpa or, less and less frequently, Grandma Ann and Grandpa Reggie) latest visit up here. Mom had planned to come visit the first weekend of November, which also happens to be Caleb’s birthday (double yay!). Dad wasn’t initially going to be able to come, but he hoped business would bring him up our way the following weekend. Well, business didn’t happen that way, and luckily Dad found out in time to join Mom for the visit.
What a weekend we had! Caleb had a baseball game Friday night, so Daddy, Jacob, Sam, and I went to the game to see Caleb tear it up on the diamond (and he did, too!). When it got close to time for Grandma and Grandpa to get in, Sam and I left the game early to meet them at the house. To say that Sam was excited to see them would be an understatement. In minutes, Sam had Grandma and Grandpa dancing around the living room, singing, “wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-yeah!” (thank you, Jack’s Big Music Show, for teaching my son an even greater love of music. Seriously, we keep at least three episodes DVR’ed because it will wipe out any bad mood!) Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of the wiggle dancing on video (and if you’ve ever seen my Dad dance, you know it’s video-worthy). I was too busy holding my sides from laughing so hard.
Saturday we all slept in a little, had totally yummy kolaches and cinnamon rolls from the fabulous Duffey’s Kolache Bakery. The boys played some, and Bryan and Grandpa watched some football. Grandma and I got out to do a little shopping (granted, it was all for boys, not us, but that’s A-OK with us!) and visiting. Grandpa took Jacob and Caleb to Academy and outfitted them with a new tackle box and tackle. . . and Nerf swords. Because you can’t go to Academy and not get Nerf swords. Then we all cleaned up and got in the cars (yes, it took two) and headed to Kobe Steakhouse for Caleb’s birthday dinner.
Sunday, we lounged the morning away.

All three monkeys watching "Space Jam." Hey, at least they know who Michael Jordan and the Looney Tunes are......
Then, we took the boys to a neighborhood pond that’s stocked so they could test out their new tackle and tackle box. Sam enjoyed getting to ride around the pond (Grandma and I walked the path around the pond two or three times) and playing at the nearby playground. Below are fun pics of the boys’ catches and some local wildlife at the pond.