Apr 06 2013
Easter 2013
Easter was fun this year. After a horrendous thunderstorm that rained out the first baseball (league) games of the season Friday night/Saturday morning, we had a fabulous weekend.
Sam had an Easter egg hunt and Easter parade at school.

Some still shots right before the Easter egg hunt. Check out Lily’s braided pigtails. I die from her cuteness!
We decorated the house with one of my favorite flowers, tulips.

I admit, the purple and white ones were purely for my TCU-ness. The yellow ones were because Sam specifically requested “lellow” flowers for inside.
Granny came over and we dyed Easter eggs.

Jacob had already eaten one; he couldn’t wait. We got rather vibrant colors this year, compared to years past.
We planted jelly beans in the hopes that lollipops would grow.
On Sunday morning, we woke up to some cloudy skies that quickly gave way to a beautiful, breezy day. Even the dog enjoyed the weather.
We harvested the lollipops that grew from the jelly beans we planted
We blew bubbles, thanks to the Easter bunny leaving new Lightning McQueen bubbles.
And, of course, we had a confetti egg fight!
We had a lovely Easter, and hope y’all did, too!
(Also, note that THIS holiday post is much more timely than, say, the 3-month late Christmas recap.)