May 09 2012
Potty Time!
Sam has a little potty that he really enjoys playing with. He sits on it, tries to stand on it, puts his toys in it (poor toys), but he’s never really been all that interested in actually USING it. Last night when I took his diaper off before bath, I noticed it wasn’t quite as wet as it probably should have been.
Me: Sam, do you want to try sitting on the potty?
Sam: YES!
Out came the potty and down he sat, willingly (wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles!). I should note at this point that the potty did come with a little boys’ tee tee guard, but Sam HATES it. I think he’s scared of it, actually. And I don’t really blame him. It’s absurdly tall, so that when it’s on the potty, he can’t get on or off the potty by himself (hmmm…design flaw? or intent? trying to keep those active boys trapped on the little potty?). Plus, I think it has pinched him before. If I were a boy, I’d be scared of that thing, too. So…no tee tee guard on the potty.
I turned around to start rinsing the dinner remnants (I swear the boy was wearing more yogurt than he ate) out of his shirt and hear, “Sammy all wet.”
You guessed it – Sam had tee tee’d on the potty! Or, more accurately, he had tee tee’d while sitting on the potty…but with no guard up, he really tee tee’d all over my bathroom floor, and his hands, and the bathroom rug.
Meh, the floor needed cleaning anyway…and hey, it’s a start, right?
Yea, Sam! Pee on the floor is no big deal. There’ll be a lot more of that to come!
Yay for Sam! I am SO not looking forward to potty training. Austin has been really interested in sitting on the potty lately, but it’s been a couple months since anything came out.