May 17 2012

Well Rounded

Published by at 11:59 am under Caleb Lee,Daneman Boys,Family Time,YAY things

Just so you don’t think that our boys are block-headed jocks because I most often post about their sports prowess (I know, I know) I wanted to share a couple of great non-sports stories about Caleb (remember, you got a non-sports Jacob story on Tuesday). I promise we’re working to raise well-rounded boys.

In case you missed it on Facebook, we got a letter yesterday that Caleb has been invited into the GATES program at his elementary school. GATES is the gifted and talented program at school. The letter indicated his particular area of strength was in math. No surprise there for my analytical little guy.

Then, as he was working on his homework last night, Caleb asked me, “Julie, can you make up poetry just on your own?” (Yes, the nerdy English major in me was thinking, “SCORE!” until the nerdy English major in me remembered that I’m really not a poetry person.)

“Are you asking ME if I can do it, or just if people can in general?”

“You. I know I can. Me and my friend did it today.”

“My friend and I, you mean.” (Yes, I am that Mom.) “That’s great, Caleb. What was your poem?”

[Insert Bad Mommy comment here, because I don’t remember the poem, but it was AWESOME about rainy weather.]

“That’s a great poem, Caleb! Are you studying poetry in class?”

“No. We just wanted to see if we could do it.” (Nerdy English major heart just bursting with happiness at that.)

And yes, we spent the next several minutes coming up with some fun little poems.

I think it’s time to pull out our Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky books…

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