Feb 07 2010

100 days

Published by at 10:38 pm under Daneman Boys,Family Time

Monday is the 100th day of school for the boys. In kindergarten, they make a very big deal about this, and the kids are quite excited. (I was informed by my very grown-up fourth-grader that the 100th day of school is ONLY  a big dealy in kindergarten.)  The kids got an assignment to create something wearable (t-shirt, hat, apron, etc.) that had 100 things on it – whatever things they wanted. On Monday, the kiddos get to wear their “100 things” and do a parade around school. Caleb decided he wanted to do a t-shirt with 100 googley-eyes on it!  Yesterday we went to Hobby Lobby and bought three different sized googley-eyes packages and 1 grey t-shirt and glued 100 googley eyes onto the shirt. Caleb counted out the 100 eyes, placed them how he wanted them, and (after counting again to make sure he had the right number of eyes) I helped him use fabric glue to secure them all in. You can see the result for yourself! Turned out pretty darn good, in my humble opinion! Oh, and he makes noise when he walks, which he thinks is hilarious!

So proud of his work!

Caleb shows off his hard work!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “100 days”

  1. Crison 07 Feb 2010 at 10:43 pm

    Love it! I wondered what you were doing with googly eyes when I saw that post on fb. This is too cute!

  2. Julieon 08 Feb 2010 at 7:49 am

    Thanks, Cris! I think he’ll be the only kid who thought of it! And it was all his idea!