Sep 29 2010

Save a Horse…

Published by at 11:12 pm under Caleb Lee

On our way back from Jacob’s baseball game tonight, the Big and Rich song “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” came on. Caleb and I were talking about how he and Bubba used to like the song when they were littler (I was informed that Caleb still likes the song). After the song was over, Caleb said, “Ride a Cowboy?” I thought, “Ok, self, how do you explain THAT one to an almost 7-year-old?!” Before full panic could set in for me, Caleb said, “What, like get a piggy-back ride from a Cowboy?” Yep. Yep, that is EXACTLY what that line means. And I felt no guilt whatsoever in telling him so.

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