Feb 04 2010

Let me ‘splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

Published by at 12:32 pm under Uncategorized

It’s been over a year (actually, closer to two, OOPS!) since I last posted anything, so there’s far too much to go over, and it would likely bore you all to tears. So, just the highlights – well, really, the biggest highlight – we’re expecting a BABY in mid-April. Another Daneman boy! No names picked out yet, nor do I think we’re even close, but that’s okay. Maybe we just need to meet him to know who he is!  Clearly, we’re all quite excited, and big brothers can’t wait to start teaching him things like throwing a baseball and football, kicking a soccer ball, and going potty in the toilet (yes, that was an actual suggestion from our 6-year-old).

Also, as you can plainly see, the site got overhauled by the hubby with a nifty new theme and title (thanks, babe!). Since I live in a house with three – soon to be FOUR – boys, I think we can guess what most posts will be about (though I’m always open to subject suggestions)…life with boys… There’s rarely a dull moment! Enjoy the new look and I’ll see if I can’t figure out how to get some pics up soon.

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