May 13 2010


Published by at 8:54 pm under Samuel Lewis

Things I’ve learned to do one-handed in the past two-plus weeks:

  1. Refill my drink
  2. Get Sam’s sponge baths ready
  3. Put a lasagna (thanks Melissa!) in the pre-heated oven
  4. Rinse out dishes and put them in the dishwasher
  5. Put on soothing music for a fussy Sam
  6. Hook and unhook the nursing bra
  7. Feed and/or water the dog

I’m sure there’s more that I do one-handed on a daily basis, but for now, that’s what I can think of. Feel free to tell me what fun things you learned to do one-handed, whether one-handed from holding a child or from an injury. 🙂

One response so far

One Response to “One-handed”

  1. Laura Payetteon 14 May 2010 at 2:09 pm

    I, too, have learned to do a lot of things one-handed. One of the scariest, perhaps, was slicing and toasting a bagel and then spreading cream cheese on it. Probably not too bright, but I was hungry and sleep deprived!