Jan 20 2011


Published by at 1:49 pm under Samuel Lewis

Being a nerdy English-major- and copyeditor-type, I often claim the ability (sometimes the NEED) to create new words. However, I can’t take credit for this one. It goes to Sam’s Daddy.

So, what is Sammunition? Spit-up launched at your clean clothing or hair? Sammunition. Loud, stinky burps or farts? Sammunition. Explosive poopy or leaky diapers? Sammunition. Unexpected tee-tees when the diaper is off for bathtime or changing? Sammunition.

And yes, we’ve taken to aiming Sam, if possible, when those attacks of Sammunition hit. See? There’s (almost) always a funny side to bodily functions, especially when you live in a house full of boys.

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