Oct 10 2011

Further Proof…

Published by at 11:14 pm under Caleb Lee,Striking Revelations

That my kids are smarter than me. Caleb and I were watching Jurassic Park today. I’ve seen the movie easily a dozen times; it’s one of my favorites, and I still jump every. single. time one of the dinosaurs jumps out. Caleb barely bats an eye at the dinosaurs jumping everywhere and eating things. I asked multiple times if the movie was too scary for him. “No,” he’d always say, and go back to watching the movie in silence. Then, in the scene where the two kids run into the kitchen to hide from the velociraptors, I hear his voice say, with derision, “They can smell you, you know. They’re MEAT EATERS.”

Yep, my kids are smarter than me.

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