Apr 05 2012

Welcome Spring

Published by at 11:50 am under Family Time,General,Sisterhood of Mommies,YAY things

You know the saying, “April showers bring May flowers?” Well, in Texas, we like to be a little ahead of everyone else. But now that we’ve officially passed the first day of Spring on the calendar, I can officially say:

Now, those of you who know me well (or even not that well) know that I am NO gardener. So, forgive (or at least shake your head dismissively but tolerantly at) my excitement of some blooms around my house.

The peace plant my company sent when my Nana passed away, and that I've somehow kept alive for more than two years, BLOOMED!

My bulbs are so pretty this year!

And, because you all know me to be a constant-novice gardener, please feel free to comment here, on FB, or at my most recent THR Momblog post with tips on planting and keeping plants alive!

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