Nov 21 2012

Funny Things Heard Around My House Lately

Published by at 2:54 pm under Caleb Lee,Daneman Boys,Family Time,Samuel Lewis

Because it’s the last hour of my oddly-scheduled work-week, and I’m not particularly busy, here are some fun snippets of things heard around my house lately.

Sam: I da Monster and you da Monster-ee. RAWR! (note: if you are the monster-ee, when he rawrs, you’re supposed to act scared.)

Sam: Dose tires are CLEAN! (said in complete disgust that the tires on the tractors that are supposed to be working hard, clearing a road in one of Sam’s recent favorite books, are spotlessly clean instead of dirty, as they should be.)

On a recent day the big boys had off from school, but Sam went to school because Daddy and I both had to work (from home):

Caleb, at about 2pm: Where’s Sam? Is he at school?

The rest of us: Um…yeah…where’d you think he was all this time?

Caleb: I don’t know…napping?

The rest of us: laughing uncontrollably

On that same day,  later:

Caleb, to Jacob, while playing video games: You’re a screen peeker!

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